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1. Avaliação in vitro da eficácia anti-inflamatória, protetora da barreira cutânea e redutora da hipersensibilidade cutânea de quatro sabonetes líquidos disponíveis no Brasil
Samara Eberlin
July 05, 2015
2. Estudo pré-clínico para avaliação de eficácia in vitro de produtos cosméticos na proteção contra os efeitos nocivos da radiação infravermelha-A
Samara Eberlin
May 12, 2015
3. Neuromodulatory and anti-inflammatory ingredient for sensitive skin: in vitro assessment
Samara Eberlin
October 27, 2014
4. In vitro immunological and regenerative abilities of a dermocosmetic product: possible effects in atopic dermatitis
Samara Eberlin
October 27, 2014
5. Increase of epidermal proteins involved in the maintenance of skin barrier in human skin keratinocytes by moisturizing cosmetics.
Samara Eberlin
October 27, 2014
6. Effects of antioxidants in the protection of infrared radiation-induced matrix metalloproteinase-1 in human dermal fibroblast
Samara Eberlin
October 08, 2014
7. In vitro assessment of vasoprotective and anti-wrinkle activity of a cosmetic product for eye care
Samara Eberlin
October 08, 2014
8. Increase of epidermal proteins involved in the maintenance of skin barrier in human skin keratinocytes cultures by a moisturizing cosmetic
Samara Eberlin
October 08, 2014
9. Vasoprotective and anti-inflammatory ingredient for Rosacea: in vitro assessment
Samara Eberlin
October 08, 2014
10. Sunscreen cosmetic protects human fibroblast cultures against UVA-induced autophagy
Samara Eberlin
October 08, 2014
11. Neuromodulatory and Anti-inflammatory ingredient for sensitive skin: in vitro assessment.
Samara Eberlin
October 08, 2014
12. Estudo clínico para avaliar a redução da circunferência abdominal após tratamento com laser diodo de baixa frequência
Samara Eberlin
October 08, 2014
13. Determination of optimal incubation time for the production of matrix metalloproteinase 1 by human dermal fibroblasts after infrared-A radiation
Samara Eberlin
October 08, 2014
14. Estudo pré-clínico para avaliação da eficácia antioxidante in vitro de um complexo de ativos frente à radiação ultravioleta e poluição
Samara Eberlin
May 10, 2014
15. Determination of optimal incubation time for the production of matrix metalloproteinase 1 by human dermal fibroblasts after infrared-A radiation
Samara Eberlin
March 21, 2014