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1. Preclinical evaluation of a cosmetic product ability to promote the strengthening and ungueal repair
Samara Eberlin
May 23, 2017
2. Novos insights no processo de fotoenvelhecimento cutâneo induzido pela radiação infravermelha A
Samara Eberlin
May 15, 2017
3. Modelos experimentais alternativos para estudo do envelhecimento extrínseco
Samara Eberlin
May 15, 2017
4. Envelhecimento do folículo capilar impulsionado pela radiação ultravioleta via proteólise de COL17A1
Samara Eberlin
May 15, 2017
5. Efeitos de uma formulação cosmética no componente vascular do melasma
Samara Eberlin
May 15, 2017
6. Protective effects of a new active complex with vitamin C nanospheres against UV-induced imbalanced biomarkers of skin aging
Samara Eberlin
March 07, 2017
7. Photoprotective and Anti-Pollution Assessment of a Skin Care Formulation
Samara Eberlin
March 07, 2017
8. Preclinical Evaluation of a Cosmetic Product Ability to Promote Strengthening and Nail Repair
Samara Eberlin
March 07, 2017
9. Effects of a moisturizing glycol-matrix delivery system formulation in envelope proteins and extracellular matrix in cultured human skin cells
Samara Eberlin
November 02, 2016
10. Metodologia alternativa para o estudo dos efeitos da radiação infravermelha-A sobre a pele humana
Samara Eberlin
November 02, 2016
11. Alternative methods for the study of infrared radiation effects on human skin
Samara Eberlin
November 02, 2016
13. Honokiol protects against cigarette smoke-induced collagen downregulation
Samara Eberlin
November 02, 2016
14. Preclinical Evaluation of the Effect of Infrared-A Radiation and Visible Light on the Melanogenesis Process Using an In Vitro Model of Cell Cultures and an Ex Vivo Model of Skin Culture
Samara Eberlin
November 02, 2016
15. Effects of depigmentation cosmetic formulation in the vascular component of melasma
Samara Eberlin
October 28, 2016